Monday, 22 March 2010

Contact Me

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hello blogging world - my first blog!

Its just gone 8pm and by some kind of miracle I have managed to get Pop Princess who is 2 1/2 and Rock Baby (ten weeks today) into bed and asleep leaving me able to set up a blog and enter the world of mummy blogging!

I am enjoying my second stint of maternity leave having left my job as a music pr just before Xmas to have my second daughter Rock Baby. My days of dealing with the national papers, pop stars and celebrities seem like a lifetime ago, my glamorous days of lunches in Soho, photo shoots and high powered meetings have been put to one side so i can look after my two daughters.

Having gone back part time after having Pop Princess I have had a massive shock to the system as in no one told me how hard it was going to be looking after two, I've had to readjust to looking after a tantruming toddler full time again and having a newborn. So thought i would write about the highs and lows of my new routine!

Life has been pretty hectic of late but i am just about getting into the swing of play groups, lunches out with friends (normally with my boobs out having to feed Rock Baby who is now refusing to take a bottle of expressed milk!!), coffee and cake (lots of Coffee!)

Today Pop Princess has been at nursery so I was very optimistic of a chilled out day cooing over Rock Baby, whilst trying to tidy up the mounting mess around the house and the huge pile of ironing but Rock Baby had other ideas literally feeding all day on and off and grizzling in between which must be another growth spurt! I think i have nearly convinced hubby that we need a cleaner, must work on that more when he gets home from work.

Anyway i am going to blog out now as prob like hundreds of other women out there who can hopefully sympathise with me, its quite hard to sit still for too long at the moment as i am sure Rock Baby must have given my tail bone a huge kick on her way out so going to chill out before i prepare for the dream feed tonight. Still debating as to whether I should completely wake up Rock Baby tonight at 10 30 so she feeds properly or just try again with the dream feed which she never really wakes up for. The holy grail of a full nights sleep surely must be getting closer. Will tonight be the night?!...........