Friday, 8 October 2010

Pop Princess 3rd Birthday

Pop Princess turned 3 on Wednesday, where have those 3 years gone?! my little girl is not quite so little any more. On the eve of her birthday when her daddy went to kiss her goodnight she announced "Daddy, tomorrow I will be turning 3" in such a matter of fact kind of way.

We had decided on a cup cake themed party as she is mad about cakes. So preparations started the week before and as well as the traditional Pass the parcel, we were also going to do pin the cherry on the cup cake, cake decorating and have a cup cake pinata.

So PP and I got to work on the pinata which was paper mache moulded around a balloon for the top and a flower pot for the bottom, which we then stuck together and painted. We also made paper chains to decorate the room and bought some large pink card to draw the cake for the pin the cherry on the cupcake game. It was great fun making them together and as the weather was so awful in the lead up to the party it gave us a great activity to do whilst it rained outside.

I was trying to be as organised as possible this year but as usual with a husband that unfortunately works late and had big deadlines to meet I was having to organise most of it by myself. I thought we were doing OK but on the morning of the party I was racing around like a headless chicken, trying to entertain PP and Rock Baby, tidying the house, setting up the party, getting myself ready and preparing the food. The party started at 3pm and at 2.45 we were only just doing the sandwiches for their tea! thank goodness one of my good friends offered to come over early and she was a life saver helping to get the food done.

I felt a bit bad though as my husband had taken the day off work and I was getting myself in such a flap I was just barking orders at him all day, I bet he wished he had stayed at work!

We had 8 energetic 3 yr olds for tea and 4 babies and it was a great afternoon. My step mum made the most amazing cake which went down a storm. She is so clever, I only wish I could make things like that.

Pin the cherry on the cupcake was a non starter as they didn't want to be blindfolded! and pass the parcel was hilarious as each of them was holding onto the parcel for dear life or just unwrapping it regardless of whether the music stopped!

The Pinata looked fab although they each pulled a ribbon but the damn thing didn't fall apart like it should have done so I ended shaking it and ripping it a bit and ended up with the top half of it on my head which the kids found hugely entertaining.

PP favourite present was her pink microphone and she was doing her best Liam Gallagher impression on it.....maybe she will take after me and work in the music industry!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

The Work Experience Girl

Well I drafted in help this week to help me get the ZingZillas Album out in the post to all the lovely bloggers who had requested copies for reviews.

Although she did have to keep stopping for breaks to suck her thumb!

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Pop Princess's first ballet lesson!

On Saturday Pop Princess had her first ballet lesson, she had been excited all week about it. When we got there she marched straight into the big hall and started immediately chatting away about anything and everything. The teacher was cracking up I think she couldn't believe how confident and forward she was; seeing as she didn't know anyone else there. I am so proud that she isn't fazed by new situations and I really hope this stays with her as she gets older.

I was allowed to sit in the corner of the room and watch and we were about ten minutes into the lesson when the kids and the teacher were prancing around the room and the teacher who is lovely (and has the patience of a saint), was telling Pop Princess what to do with her feet and toes. PP stood there with one hand on her hip and the other hand wagging her finger saying 'no I'm not going to do it like that, look I Will do it like this'. As I shrank into my seat the teacher was looking bemused and her brow started to crease.

Five minutes later PP left the group and at the top of her voice said 'Mummy I need a wee', so off we went to find the toilet, got there but no she did not need a wee now so we went back to the class.

Another five mins later and an obviously distracted PP was looking uncomfortable and again 'Mummy I need a wee'. Off we trotted again and this time after what felt like ages holding her over the loo she was done.

She went storming back into the class and announced to the class at the top of her voice 'Wait for me everyone' she then said 'I've just done a big poo'.

By this stage I was cracking up and wiping tears from my eyes. My daughter who is 3 next week is quite a little character and certainly makes an impression where ever she goes and I wouldn't want it any other way! Hopefully we won't be banned when we return next week!

My cheeky madame above!