In my line of business (I'm a PR) image is important and its not like going to a traditional office where you can wear smart suits and a good trip to Next can sort you out. The girls in my office are into cutting edge fashion, they are out most nights partying and a far cry from my world of screaming toddlers, sleep deprivation and the juggling act of trying your very hardest to hold down a full time job, act the role as a yummy mummy (I hate that term btw!) and remaining calm and collected and in control.
So after a particular miserable week feeling like a granny, dressing like a granny I called in a professional. Forget Gok Wan you need Bev Briggs. Bev is a friend and she started up her B Yourself personal styling business just over a year ago after many years of being a personal shopper for a leading high street fashion store.
I rang her up and explained I wanted to look smart, but not officy smart, more trendy and keeping to the latest fashion but pieces for my wardrobe that would last me a season and what I could mix and match, throw on really quickly without thinking and look at least a little presentable! I gave her my measurements and also told her I loved Fearne Cotton's style so that was the brief!
Bev went out and did a pre shop for me, taking all the hard work out for me by spending the day in Cambridge looking in all the shops I liked and putting aside key pieces. We then met up in Cambridge a couple of days later and she took me round the shops and showed me some of the things she had chosen, she pushed me to try on things which I perhaps wouldn't have thought to have tried and gave me really handy tips about my body shape and what would look good on me and suit my shape which is apparently pear.
I found out things I didn't realise such as I should wear chunky necklaces instead of big chunky bracelets as that draws the eye line down to my hips which unfortunately for me and I'm guessing loads of other women out there, this is where my weight likes to sit.
Bev managed to find me all the things I needed, I had given her a budget I wanted to stick to and I walked away with several items including a winter coat, shoes, bag and numerous tops and jeans. It was just so useful having someone there to focus me and just luxury having a very rare day to myself to actually thing about what I needed to buy rather than just a quick dash to the shops and panic buying something i thought I needed but then only ever wear once or twice.
I had a brilliant day and it gave me a real confidence boost! So I wanted to write this post to say a big thanks to Bev.
If you are a lady based in and around Cambridge and feel like you need a fashion make over then get in touch with Bev and check out her website here B Yourself
And to finish a picture below of me in some of my new clothes, its not the best shot of me no idea what my hair is going but the clothes look good! It was taken at a launch I went to in London last week for a fabulous kids project I am looking after called The Land of Sometimes.

That's me on the far right!