Christmas is a funny old time for me. It used to be for many years a time of sadness.
The last Christmas I had with my mum was in 1995, I was 17 and I remember Christmas day that year with all my family rallying round trying to make it as normal and happy for me and my brother as possible. My mum was upstairs in bed and I had only been told a few weeks before this that she had lost her battle against skin cancer and she didn't have long left, the doctors had hoped 3 months at least.
My boyfriend at the time who is now my husband was amazing, my total rock and even though we had only been together a month he supported me through one of the hardest times of my life. He had bought me a necklace and I had taken it upstairs to show my mum, she tried to focus on it and we chatted a bit. I'd been told to be strong and as such had tried not to cry in front of her but it was difficult and as the tears came flowing she held me and said 'I'm your mum, I'll always be your mum and nothing can ever take that away". She was so brave and she died not long after on the 29th December.
Since having Pop Princess and Rock Baby Christmas's are now something to look forward to. Pop Princess will no doubt be charging around the house, totally hyper darting from one present to the next. Rock Baby will be more interested in tearing up the paper than the actual toys and I will be watching it all and smiling with my husband (who continues to be my rock) by my side.
This year will be Rock Baby's first Christmas! so it will be even more special. I can't wait to take them both to see Father Christmas, hope RB doesn't get scared, her sister below was not that impressed on her first visit...
I better actually start getting organised as so far I haven't bought a single thing!
I am so glad that you have something to celebrate over the period. My brother got married the day after my dad died (7 years later) and it is great to have something to be happy about rather than sad.