We had a brilliant time, a big thank you to the lovely Maria and Holly who organised a stress free and very enjoyable family day out.
We arrived about 11am and had time to walk around the many different stalls, and various dog displays that were happening, Pop Princess had her face painted at the Samsung Stand, whilst Rock Baby was happy to take it all in from the comfort of the buggy! She was also thrilled when a very friendly golden retreiver came and said hello!
I was in my element looking at literally every breed of dog you could think of, many of which I had never heard of before. The breeders were very friendly and willing to answer any questions, we made a bee line for the Griffon Bruxellois Stand as 'Finnie', our 'other' baby is the same breed. It turns out the lady running the stand knew the breeder who we got Finnie from and was actually her mentor.
We knew it may happen and it did and we all fell in love with one little dog, the smooth red haired Griffon which was just like Finnie. She was amazing and she is going to have a litter this summer, so we took details and plan to stay in touch as we would love another addition to the family!
Just before lunch we headed over to the press room, where we met the other lovely bloggers and their families which included Roz from Kin Hodgkins, Fi from Childcare is Fun, Liz from Me and My Shadow and Maria from Mummy's Busy World.
It was so nice to meet some other bloggers in person as you tweet and email all the time and so its great to put a name to a face. We met Holly the head of marketing for The Kennel Club who was so lovely and then we were all taken for lunch which was scrummy and by the time that was finished it was starting to get a bit late.
The queue was already starting to grow for Best In Show and the girls were starting to get grouchy but we wanted to see the arena so we tried to entertain them whilst waiting (thank god for child friendly Apps on the iPhone!). When we got in we had brilliant seats and Pop Princess loved the agility show and the music she was so excited and even Rock Baby joined in for a bit of clapping!
by 6.30 we had to leave as it had been a long but brilliant day for them. DFS Crufts is a great show if you are dog mad like me, it does get very busy though and you need to keep eyes everywhere in case your toddler goes wandering, thankfully we had grandparents on hand to help us with the girls! It was a shame the main shows were in the evening so we couldn't stay so not really great timing for those with really young children like ours. It didn't matter though as we all had a really enjoyable day out and we would definitely go again.
We also recieved a free goody bag crammed with dog treats and toys which Finnie was very grateful for!, key rings, pens, books and leaflets. Thanks so much to The Kennel Club for inviting us!
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