Shortly before Christmas I was lucky enough to trial a new Gel with the aim of banishing cellulite! Hey I’ll try anything that promises me that. I have never been over weight and eat fairly sensible but I think down to genetics more than anything else I have always suffered with the dreaded orange peel look on my thighs and bum.
Its been a year now since I had Rock Baby and Its finally dawning on me that I actually have to get my butt in gear and get down to some serious exercise to shift the last few pounds and to really tone up and I will take any help I can along the way!
So I trialled NIP + FAB Cellulite Fix Body Sculpting Gel, it comes in a 150ml tube and is a fresh smelling gel that melts into your skin for targeted and fast action on your cellulite.
My skin felt lovely and smooth after using it and wasn’t sticky and did actually melt straight on, which when you have to get ready in super quick time in the mornings with two little ones hanging around your legs you need something that is going to dry very quickly.
It said on the tube to use twice daily, I managed it at least once a day first thing in the morning but found I had to use quite a lot, maybe because I have a huge bum?! So actually the tube only lasted for about 3 weeks but I did notice my skin felt smoother and tighter.
However as we all know you need to eat healthily, exercise, dry body bush and drink tons of water and when you combine these things whilst using the gel I’m sure that after time you would see the results. As Dulwich Mum put it so well on twitter this week when we were tweeting about tummy fix’s ‘if they had a gel to cure it then it would be on prescription!’
I would definitely buy the gel again and if you want to find out more you can visit www.nipandfab.com or buy it at Boots. It retails at £17.95 for a 150ml tube.
I have a tube of this but haven't used it yet, I figured. May aswell wait until after this baby is born and have a mahooooosive overhaul!! But it sounds good though x